The Federal Member for Hunter MP Joel Fitzgibbon, a key Kevin Rudd supporter, says while he has quit the role of chief government whip he still plans to contest his seat at the coming election.
Julia Gillard's supporters say the Labor leadership turmoil is now resolved after her Prime Ministership was tested yesterday.
In the end Kevin Rudd did not mount a challenge and Ms Gillard says there will not be any more instability.
Mr Fitzgibbon, who was strongly backing a Kevin Rudd challenge, says he could not stay on as whip, although he defended his record in the job.
"My view is that it's probably best that I move on," he said.
"But you've got to remember we're in a hung parliament and it's a difficult job.
"Self praise is no praise but I think even my most bitter enemies down here would say I've done an excellent job as the whip."
But, Mr Fitzgibbon says he still intends to contest his seat of Hunter at the election.
"I mean what I was trying to do is give a Labor Government its best chance.
"I work my electorate very, very hard, always have and will always continue to do so.
"I believe, self praise is no praise, but I believe I'm as effective a local member down here as anyone else could possibly be."
Newcastle MP Sharon Grierson has been highly critical of Mr Fitzgibbon, and has welcomed his resignation as chief whip.
"I think people should reflect on Joel's career and motives," she said.
"He does tend to attach himself to people and I would question his motives and say sometimes his interests have been personal rather than the interests of the Australian public."
Ms Grierson says given his actions in recent weeks in destabilising the Prime Minister, Mr Fitzgibbon has done the right thing by standing aside.
"The whip is the most important person in keeping morale high, in keeping members involved in their work and his attention hasn't been on that.
"You can't do what Joel has done over the last fortnight and expect that your caucus colleagues will give you their respect and work hard for you."
Nationals candidate for Hunter Michael Johnsen says Mr Fitzgibbon has abandoned his electorate.
"His focus has been completely on protecting the Labor Party," he said.
"In the meantime, he's not working for the electorate.
"He's not working for those families trying to reduce the cost of living, he's not trying to protect the jobs that are being lost in the mining industry."
The Liberal Member for Paterson, Bob Baldwin says the infighting is bad for the country and it is time for a change of government.
"This level of disunity, internal factional fighting, is not good for the Australian people," he said.
"When you've got her whip, Joel Fitzgibbon who is supposed to be protecting her back, that is the job of whip, out there actively campaigning against her, that's not healthy."
"I don't believe this is the end of it, I think that the numbers must have been close, otherwise they wouldn't have brought on the challenge.
"The reality is, it's not over, it's just the beginning of the end for the Labor Party."
Mr Baldwin also slammed the timing of the leadership spill given the significance of yesterday's apology on forced adoptions by Julia Gillard.
"It shows an absolute lack of respect for such as important issue," he said.
"They have made this all about themselves.
"I care very little about their internal machinations in their caucus, but I know the people on the ground are telling me they've had a bellyful of all of this."
Topics: federal-government, federal-parliament, cessnock-2325, muswellbrook-2333, newcastle-2300, raymond-terrace-2324

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