Sunday, May 12, 2013

Talks seek to avert Newcastle coal strike - Ninemsn - Ninemsn

Workers at a Newcastle coal terminal are preparing to meet with management in a last ditch attempt to avert a planned strike.

The 220 workers at Port Waratah Coal Services (PWCS) are protesting against company proposals they say will undermine health and safety and introduce an anti-union culture.

A four-hour stoppage will go ahead on Wednesday from 10am unless both sides can resolve their differences at a Tuesday meeting, says Australian Manufacturing Workers Union (AMWU) organiser Daniel Wallace.

Workers say PWCS seeks to undermine their health and safety, tear up longstanding settlement procedures for contract issues and radically change the scope of matters that can be arbitrated.

The company had been engaging in anti-union games, Mr Wallace said.

"It's the biggest coal terminal in the world and we don't take (stoppages) lightly," he told AAP.

Workers would be happy to keep their current contract terms but didn't want to go backwards, Mr Wallace said.

"They're as flexible as any workforce. It's been 15 to 20 years since there's been any industrial action on the site."

Talks between union members and PWCS have been going on for eight months.

At the latest negotiation meeting last week PWCS said it would try to change the company's union culture, Mr Wallace said.

PWCS had already introduced a scheme in 2009 to allow people to take early retirements or redundancies so it could bring in younger workers who weren't as unionised, he said.

Safety would not be compromised during the strike because PWCS has undertaken not to use inadequately trained replacement workers, Mr Wallace said.

Mining giant Rio Tinto, through its subsidiary Coal & Allied, is a 30 per cent shareholder in PWCS.

A spokesman for PWCS later told AAP the company was hopeful of a resolution but it would require some "give and take".

PWCS respected the right of the union to take industrial action and would continue to negotiate in good faith, he said.

"What we're proposing is not out of the ordinary. It's some productivity and flexibility trade-offs against some significant increases in pay for workers," the spokesman said.

He denied health and safety would be undermined.

"This is a company where safety is absolutely, utterly paramount," he said.

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