Monday, December 10, 2012

Willie Mason spars with Jeff Fenech. Source: The Daily Telegraph - Herald Sun

Willie Mason

Willie Mason spars with Jeff Fenech. Source: The Daily Telegraph

JEFF Fenech is not about to label Willie Mason a future Australian heavyweight champion.

But the triple world champion knows enough about boxing to know "everyone will be surprised" at how well Mason handles himself in Saturday night's Fight For Life.

Fenech has been helping the giant Newcastle prop prepare for his showdown with former All Black Troy Flavell in Auckland on a fight card that will also feature Paul Gallen and Greg Bird.

Fenech said what has impressed him most about Mason has been what is often portrayed as the big man's greatest failing.

"Prior to this I had never met Willie and we've all seen and read things about him," Fenech said.

"But I can guarantee you one thing, Willie has really impressed me with his attitude. He is a great listener.

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"It is easy to see how he has won over Wayne Bennett at Newcastle.

"I have been helping Willie for the last six weeks or so and he has improved so much it is unbelievable."

So is he ready to hold his own on Saturday night?

"I have no doubt he will hold his own," Fenech said.

Flavell stands at 196cm, weighs 119kg and has a wild reputation, and Fenech's years in boxing have also taught him to never expect an easy fight on someone else's home turf.

"Do you think the All Blacks are going to want to embarrass themselves?" he asked.

"Do you think they have picked out three guys who can't fight?

"No way. They most probably have picked out the three best guys who can handle themselves.

"My first aim was to teach survival skills. I just want to make sure Willie is safe and he wins the fight without getting hurt.

"But I think Willie will give everyone a big surprise.

"The thing is, Willie has never come out and said I am going to beat up the heavyweight champion of Australia.

"Willie is just doing this for charity. But he has put a lot of hard work into it and he has done a lot of sparring and he has prepared himself well."

Champion 400m runner John Steffensen also dropped in on yesterday's training session.

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