Her workshop and retail space is in the much maligned Newcastle Mall and her experience, at least, seems to point at a revival for fashion retailing for those offering something different.
"People are looking for something different and there are many guys and girls that don't want to get the same old thing from the same old large outlets."
Lauren Miller is one of those people, she purchased a black leather miniskirt and belt as part of a birthday present to herself. "I prefer to support local businesses rather than shop for clothes online. I range in size between a 6 and an 8 so I need to try the clothes on".
A major draw card to the boutique is Woody, he is in charge of security, but as he is a very cute 6 month old British Bulldog, his effectivness is somewhat mixed. He usually sits in the doorway or in his custom suitcase towards the back of the store. The ladies love him.
Ash Greenaway has plans for expansion of The Lair, especially as she is the only person making the clothes at the moment so she is kept busy filling orders. Ash wants to open more shops interstate and up the NSW north coast.
She is confident that she will be around for a while and hopes the leather miniskirts she makes will be too.
"You should get 10 to 20 years out of a leather miniskirt if you look after it and don't spill tequila all over it".

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