Monday, September 16, 2013

Abbott accused of snubbing Hunter as well as women - ABC Local

Labor Member for Hunter, Joel Fitzgibbon, made the comments after Paterson MP Bob Baldwin missed out on a spot on the front bench.

Mr Baldwin had been widely expected to be made Minister for Regional Development and Tourism, but was instead given only the relatively junior position of Parliamentary Secretary to the Industry Minister.

"For all of our six years in government we had a cabinet minister at the cabinet table," Mr Fitzgibbon says.

"It seems all we get from Tony Abbott is a Parliamentary Secretary and no mention of a key industry for the Hunter, and there I'm talking of course about tourism.

"This is an early sign of how the Abbott government will treat the Hunter Region."

Bob Baldwin, who is this region's only representative in the new government, told Aaron Kearney from 1233 Breakfast the Prime Minister spoke to him directly about the decision.

"We had a number of chats yesterday about the opportunities and obviously, you know, the disappointments," Mr Baldwin says.

"It's disappointing, I don't say it's not.

"I accept that role with great honour and I'll do it to the best of my ability."

Aaron asked if the Paterson MP had perhaps upset Mr Abbott?

"No, not at all, he's actually a good friend," was the reply.

"The reality is we had too many Ministers in Opposition, there were positions that had to go.

"There was a realignment because of the outcomes in the different States, I accept that.

"If you want a friend in politics, as they say, go and get a dog."

After holding a number of shadow portfolios, Mr Baldwin still seems optimistic that his Ministerial fortunes may change.

"Look I accept it, I'm determined to work hard and you never know what the future may hold."

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