Monday, December 9, 2013

Can you create a beer with no hangovers? - ABC Online

But is it possible to develop a no-hangover beer, one that actually helps hydrate your body as you drink it?

Researchers at Griffith University are applying themselves to the task, and have already attracted commercial interest.

Craig Zonca from 1233 ABC Newcastle asked the lead researcher whether the study is just a scientific reason to enjoy a cold beer after a hard day at the office? (listen to attached audio)

"Well I think a few people around here think that that's the case!" associate professor Ben Desbrow says.

"But no, what we tried to do is actually come up with a healthier alternative for people who like to drink beer, so that's been our primary focus but it's created a fair bit of humour."

The idea came from previous studies in which they looked at the role fluids play in recovery after exercise or exertion, and found that even though many people have a beer after exercise it's a bad choice for re-hydrating the body.

"If someone's dehydrated when they consume any beverage, typically some of that beverage will be retained but beer, particularly full-strength beer, is what we call a poor rehydrator," Ben says.

"So the amount of fluid that's retained is actually quite small."

The professor explains that the higher the beer's alcohol content, the less fluid is retained in the body.

The researchers were able to improve beer's rehydration qualities by modifying electrolyte and alcohol content.

"When you compare, for instance, full-strength beer to a beer that's lower in alcohol and contains some electrolytes, you'll typically retain at least 50% more fluid than if drinking a regular, full-strength commercial beer," Ben explains.

"One of the things that's particularly interesting about beer is that people seem to be able to drink large volumes of it."

By measuring urine the researchers found you could reduce the amount of fluid lost from more than two litres to around 700ml.

"So that's quite a considerable difference," Ben says.

Of course one of the dangers is that by adding electrolytes, particularly sodium, you can spoil the taste of the beer.

"But the amount that we've been able to manipulate is similar to what you might find in a commecial sports drink," he says.

As for whether you'll see this hydrating, hangover-resistant beer on the shelves any time soon, Ben says his team are "canvassing some commercial interest at the moment."

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